Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PARam Food Phobia....

In the last entries, I do said that I have to buy food from Pasar Ramadhan (PARam) for breakfasting. But seriously it only took me buying food for breakfasting from PARam for one week only. What was happen?! Dont know what have we eat. My hubby n I have diarrhoea on the 2nd week of Ramadhan. At first I dont believe that I can cook in a short period as usually arrive home around 6.15 -6.30pm but finally I do believe that I can!. Usually I try to prepare 2 simple dishes daily.. Ranges from Sambal Tumis (kejap Udang, kejap sotong or ikan) sayur masak lemak or Masak Air (sawi, tauge ke rebung ke) Masak kicap ... Goreng Kunyit (Daging ke udang ke) ... dont care wether it is tasty or not but of course it tasty la... sendiri mau mkn ma... . Nak makan sedap2 sikit tunggu la ari weekend kan... he he... Hubby also at first dont believe that I can cook as fast as that.... Ye la... at least ini adalah satu perkembangan yang baik la kan untuk diri sendiri... walaupun sedikit penat... at least kita puas hati ngan apa yang kita buat n kita makan. The best things is the lifetime for the food that we cook is longer compare to the food that we buy from PARam. Usually food that we buy from PARam cannot stand until Sahur time if we not put in the fridge. (Dont know wether this situation happen to the others or not but it happen to me) But food that we cook last longer not only until Iftar but it still OK for breakfasting on the following day if still have some left....

Kuih is Daily MUST! Tp x dak la buat plak... mesti beli... yang menjadi pilihan hubby n saya adalah kuih2 yang pedas la... karipap.. murtabak.. sardine roll... sardine puff ka.... cuma bila ada kuih yang wat weekend tuhh mcm karipap or sardine roll freeze kan n bila nak mkn goreng la on weekdays.

Ok till then...

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